Feelings of safety
This map shows predicted sense of safety and fear of crime in local areas.
Fear of crime, or sense of safety, is frequently unrelated to actual levels of crime in an area. It is possible for people to have a high fear of crime in an area with low actual crime. Fear of crime has psychological consequences – it is associated with poor mental health – and also affects people’s behaviour. It can stop people going out or visiting particular places. Fear of crime can be linked to
people’s broader concerns about social stability and change.

How the map works
Output Areas are coloured on a scale to indicate predicted feelings of safety.
Darker blue mean stronger sense of safety/lower fear of crime.
The results have been calculated by combining responses to the following questions, all from the Understanding Society Survey:
“Do you every worry about the possibility that you, or anyone else who lives with you, might be the victim of crime?”
“Is this a big worry, a bit of a worry, or an occasional doubt?”
“How safe do you feel walking alone after dark?".
As an example, the map shows predicted feelings of safety in the London Borough of Ealing.

London Borough of Kingston
Data sources
Understanding Society: Innovation Panel, Waves 1-9, 2008-2016: Special Licence Access, Census 2011 Output Area Classification. SN 7639
Understanding Society, Waves 1-6, 2009-2015: Special Licence Access, Census 2011 Output Area Classification. SN 7629